Angel Rosa

Obituary of Angel Rosa

Please share a memory of Angel to include in a keepsake book for family and friends.
With immense love and gratitude, we say "See you soon" to Angel Rosa, 88, who passed away on January 11, 2025. Angel was born on March 15, 1936. He was a loving husband to his beloved wife, Oliva, with whom he now shares the same day of farewell; an exemplary father to four children: Aracelis (Luis), María, David, and Migdalia (Cándido); a devoted grandfather to eight grandchildren: Dalitza (Leonel), Shiomara, Joel (Jesenia), Melissa, Angel Manuel, Deini, Janiel, and Jariel; and a proud great-grandfather to six great-grandchildren: Iliana, Angel Jr., Edwin Joel, Kevin, Jenevieve, and Jovani. A lover of nature and a passionate gardener, he always cultivated pigeon peas and a variety of vegetables in his garden, which was his pride and joy. Angel also had a deep love for animals, especially birds and dogs, who always accompanied him throughout his life. His energy was contagious, and his youthful spirit brought life to everyone around him. He enjoyed watching WWE wrestling and was known for his unwavering enthusiasm for life. During his last years, his love for God was a constant guide that inspired his kindness and faith. He taught us the value of hard work, faith, family love, and finding joy in the simple things in life. His memory will live in our hearts forever. The family deeply appreciates the outpouring of support and love during this difficult time. "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." - Psalm 23:1 Rest in peace, dear Dad. Con inmenso amor y gratitud, le decimos "Hasta luego" a Angel Rosa, 88, quien pasó al descanso el 11 de enero de 2025. Angel nació el 15 de Marzo de 1936. Fue un esposo amoroso de su querida esposa Oliva, con quien ahora comparte el mismo día de despedida; un padre ejemplar de cuatro hijos: Aracelis (Luis), María, David y Migdalia (Cándido); un abuelo dedicado de ocho nietos: Dalitza (Leonel), Shiomara, Joel (Jesenia), Melissa, Angel Manuel, Deini, Janiel y Jariel; y un bisabuelo orgulloso de seis bisnietos: Iliana, Angel Jr., Edwin Joel, Kevin, Jenevieve y Jovani. Amante de la naturaleza y apasionado jardinero, siempre cultivaba gandules y una variedad de vegetales en su huerto, que era su orgullo y alegría. Angel también tenía un profundo amor por los animales, especialmente los pájaros y los perros, que siempre lo acompañaron a lo largo de su vida. Su energía era contagiosa, y su espíritu joven llenaba de vida a quienes lo rodeaban. Disfrutaba viendo la lucha libre de WWE y era conocido por su inquebrantable entusiasmo por la vida. Su fe cristiana fue una guía constante que inspiró su bondad y humildad en todas sus acciones. Él nos enseñó el valor del trabajo duro, la fe, el amor familiar y la alegría en las cosas simples de la vida. Su recuerdo vivirá en nuestros corazones para siempre. La familia agradece profundamente las muestras de apoyo y cariño durante este difícil momento. "El Señor es mi pastor, nada me faltará." - Salmo 23:1 Descansa en paz, querido Papá.

Visitation at Funeral Home

10:00 am - 11:00 am
Friday, January 17, 2025
DeMarco-Luisi Funeral Home
2755 S. Lincoln Avenue
Vineland, New Jersey, United States

Funeral Service

11:00 am
Friday, January 17, 2025
DeMarco-Luisi Funeral Home
2755 S. Lincoln Avenue
Vineland, New Jersey, United States

Final Resting Place

12:30 pm
Friday, January 17, 2025
Siloam Cemetery
550 N. Valley Ave.
Vineland, New Jersey, United States
Online Memory & Photo Sharing Event
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About this Event
Angel Rosa

In Loving Memory

Angel Rosa

1936 - 2025

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