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1 tree(s) planted in memory of Luis Cruz
Tio Chama y Tia Rosie's Clan posted a condolence
Saturday, December 2, 2023
For those family members under 40 years you missed out on some wonderfully inspirational Uncle Louie- his passion for family unity, exchanging of perspectives just about every topic the human mind could acknowledge was open for debate discussion. He loved to sharing his talents with those he called family and friends. After my dad and mom purchased our house on Meserole St. Uncle was the first one to offer to help get the almost none existing beams and floors replaced. This and numerous other projects at both Meserole houses Uncle Louie had a hand in renovating. Surely each of you have Uncle Louie house or car repair tale or two.
Aside from being handyman Louie, his desire to understand how and what made things tick, came from grandpa, but characteristic most in primal our relationships with this renaissance Uncle was his desire for each us to understand our Puerto Rican Music. More specifically to value and feel the multicultural beauty of our Nuyoricaness via Afro Latin Music.
Who amongst the older sobrinas and sobrinos does not have as heartwarming or funny story of Uncle Louie introducing the use of percussion instruments, while being mused into a cultural awakening to the universe of Afro Latin Musicians/Vocalists from the 1940 to 1980’s. Honoring both past and present, it wouldn’t be true family gathering if Uncle Louie did not break out the instruments to get us to jam with him.
We may not know what happens after this place but Uncle Louie’s presence is ingrain in each of us and hopefully we will keep his tradition of loving our hip shaking Afro Latin rhythms strong in our coming generations of Puerto Rican family members. Like Daniel, Jessica, Tiffany and Lenny, know your father’s Deep LOVE for each of you are similar those musical notes he may have always questioned if they were embraced long enough to feel nurtured, heard and understood. Remember Siempre Palante.
Your family from Meserole Street would like to say “Garcias por tu entusiasmo por la vida” for sharing, and encouraging Nuyorican music into our family desde el corazon. Your passionate exchanges about family, current events, helping repair and just as important revealing of your humanity by laughing and openly crying with us.
Uncle Louie may your soul rest in power and light, and your spirit find peace in the beautiful music you taught each of us to love. We felt it important to continue your legacy of encouraging peace thru music in the next generation of Neoyorquinos/Neoyorquinas, musicians for future Orquesta Libre, we’ve dedicated in your memory to Afro Latin Jazz Belongo Organization for music education.
Con Mucho Amor Siempre de tus Sobrinas Crisel, Rosaline, Ketty y Sobrinos John, Joe Luis, Javier and Jason, los sobrina y sobrino nieta Y bisenta sobrina Y sobrinos
Marc Cruz Castro uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 1, 2023


My brother Luis, was a flawed person like the rest of us. In spite of this, he was strong, caring, thoughtful, naturally talented, a brawler that was full of courage.
Luis was a man amongst men Who touched so many lives in his 75 years. An incredibly kind and loving son, brother, father, grandfather, uncle, and in-law.
He is beloved by every member of this family, we all have our favorite Uncle Luis story and memory. For me he is the brother that helped me find myself and be myself, for that I am forever in his debt.
Godspeed Luis Angel. Que dios te tenga en sus manos.
Nina Quinones posted a condolence
Friday, December 1, 2023
My most cherished memory of Uncle Louie was him teaching me how to play the piano at eight years old. He was so patient and kind, and an excellent teacher. His love of music always brought us closer together as a family. He will always have a special place in my heart. I love him very much.
Your niece Nina
Alex Orama uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, November 30, 2023

My Tio Louie was a Father figure in my life. He had a nickname for me “The Bruiser!” Tio would tell me all the time when I was a little boy that I would fight back against my older cousins that were bigger then me. Even though they picked on me, they would run to him and tell him “Alex is hitting me!” Tio would say “well what did you do to him ??!!” LOL and that’s how “The Bruiser” came to be.
Tio made everyone feel important and was always teaching you something. How to cook, how to hold a conversation and have facts to back up your point or else your point held no weight. He taught me how important family was and that it was something to value, honor and celebrate. The most valuable experience he gave me was his Love for Music. Which brought all of us to together in one space. Music tells our stories it holds our memories of when we were all together having a blast with Him.
Especially Salsa aka “Our Music!!!” I always remember him leading the family band. He would perform in anybody's house ,room garage backyard, where ever. The bands members would vary from adults to kids , so would the instruments. Tio taught us that anything can be used as an instrument to make music . As long as you can make the Tici Taci sound you where on the right path lol. Tio made you laugh. That was him Happy, Loud and in your Face if he needed to be.
Tio’s instrument was the piano that he played in a salsa band, with Manny Qquendo's Conjunto Libre.
So many memories. I will always hold on to the times we spent together. I love you Tio, The Bruiser.
The family of Luis Cruz uploaded a photo
Thursday, November 30, 2023

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A Memorial Tree was planted for Luis Cruz
Thursday, November 30, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at DeMarco-Luisi Funeral Home Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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